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--> CompTIA CySA+ Practice TestsExam CS0-001【電子書籍】[ Mike Chapple ]/cbc スペース・テクノロジー


CompTIA CySA+ Practice TestsExam CS0-001【電子書籍】[ Mike Chapple ]





<p><strong>1,000 practice questions for smart CompTIA CySA+ preparation</strong></p> <p><em>CompTIA CySA+ Practice Tests</em> provides invaluable preparation for the Cybersecurity Analyst exam CS0-001. With 1,000 questions covering 100% of the exam objectives, this book offers a multitude of opportunities for the savvy CySA+ candidate. Prepare more efficiently by working through questions <em>before</em> you begin studying, to find out what you already knowーand focus study time only on what you don't. Test yourself periodically to gauge your progress along the way, and finish up with a 'dry-run' of the exam to avoid surprises on the big day. These questions are organized into four full-length tests, plus two bonus practice exams that show you what to expect and help you develop your personal test-taking strategy. Each question includes full explanations to help you understand the reasoning and approach, and reduces the chance of making the same error twice.</p> <p>The CySA+ exam tests your knowledge and skills related to threat management, vulnerability management, cyber incident response, and security architecture and tools. You may think you're prepared, but are you absolutely positive? This book gives you an idea of how you are likely to perform on the actual examーwhile there's still time to review.</p> <ul> <li>Test your understanding of all CySA+ exam domains</li> <li>Pinpoint weak areas in need of review</li> <li>Assess your level of knowledge before planning your study time</li> <li>Learn what to expect on exam day</li> </ul> <p>The CompTIA CySA+ certification validates your skill set in the cybersecurity arena. As security becomes more and more critical, the demand for qualified professionals will only rise. <em>CompTIA CySA+ Practice Tests</em> is an invaluable tool for the comprehensive Cybersecurity Analyst preparation that helps you earn that career-making certification.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:2,893円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)




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