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--> The Midnight Sun【電子書籍】[ Alan F. Alford ]/cbc スペース・テクノロジー


The Midnight Sun【電子書籍】[ Alan F. Alford ]





<p><strong>The Astonishing New Theory That Rewrites Egyptology...</strong></p> <p>According to modern scholars, the sun-god reigned supreme in ancient Egypt, and it was the rising and setting sun that provided the model for the death and rebirth of the pharaohs.</p> <p>But the mighty pyramids and temples suggest a more profound philosophy, and the oldest texts indeed tell a different story.</p> <p>In this ground-breaking study of the Egyptian creation myth, Alan F. Alford argues that the creator-god was supreme in ancient Egypt, and that his death and rebirth signified the death and rebirth of the cosmos. The task of the sun-god and the pharaoh was to re-enact this momentous crisis in the universe and thereby rejuvenate the cosmic order.</p> <p>Pyramids were built to commemorate this cosmic rebirth and kings were buried in the earth beneath them as mummified images of the creator-god himself.</p> <p>As proof of his theory, Alford claims to have discovered the intact tomb of Khufu, Egypt's greatest pyramid builder, hidden in a network of caves beneath the great pyramid.</p> <p>This book is an invitation to the authorities to put his theories to the test.</p> <p>'When new ideas come along based on logic and reason, they are worth examination. In Alan Alford's case, his reasoning is archaeologically sound and well worth a full and detailed investigation... His hypothesis of finding the 'real' burial chamber of Cheops is laudable. It would be a triumph for Egyptology were it found.' - Christine El Mahdy, Professor of Egyptian Studies, BCES, and author of <em>The Pyramid Builder: Cheops, the Man Behind the Great Pyramid</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:2,217円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)




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